Thursday, 31 March 2016

Circular for grade 1 to 4 on 31/3/2016

Dear Parents
On 23rd April there would be an Essay Writing and Poster Making Competition on Human Values in English organized by Times of Oman and Sai Group, Oman. Parents, who want their ward to participate, may kindly give their consent to their respective Class Teachers latest by Sunday, 3rd April 2016. There would also be a round of selection for the students on Sunday.

1.         TOPICS FOR THE EVENT - 2016
1st, 2nd, 3rd  
4th, 5th, 6th

Mrs. Monzy Oommen

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Exhibition Circular - 30/03/2016

Dear Parents

Kindly note the following:

1.   There will be an exhibition tomorrow 31st March 2016, from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM in the school building.

2.   Due to constraint of space and to make students comfortable, children will be available in their own classroom during the exhibition and presenting their own projects.

3.   No party or picnic will be allowed tomorrow. Children must be in their full school uniform.

4.   Tomorrow, 31st March 2016 Children need to come early by 7.30 AM and will only be allowed to leave at 1.30 PM. Student’s attendance shall be marked on the exhibition day. Children need not bring their books tomorrow. Kindly send snacks and water with them.

5.   Children who have made a number of projects are free to explain any one or all of their projects.

6.   Kindly encourage the children with words of motivation to inspire them towards learning.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen

Circular - 30/03/2016

Dear Parents
Ministry is conducting a Quran competition for Grade 3 & 4 students which will be held after two weeks. Those interested can give their names to the Arabic teacher on or before 3rd April 2016, Sunday. The content for the competition is given below.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Home Work for Grade 4B on 29/03/16


Learn the lesson Totto -Chan for a review on 30-03-16.


Write the properties of sound  in the revision part of your notebook and submit it on 30-03-16.


Revise concepts of duration and  Time for a Review on Thursday (31/03/16)

Home Work for Grade 3B on 29/03/16


Learn lesson 15 The South American Parakeet for  a review on 30-03-16.


What do you mean by rotation ? Write it in the revision part of your  notebook and submit it on 30-03-16.


Copy and solve  the following in  your note book
Change into hours and minutes
a)     95 minutes
 Change into minutes

a)     3 hours

Homework for Grade 2B on 29/3/16


Review- Conjunctions, contractions, antonyms and synonyms on Sunday (3/4/16) .


Revise concepts of Clock / Time. Review on Sunday (3/4/16).  

Homework for Grade 1B on 29/3/16


Study the topics - Punctuation and Conjunctions for a review on Monday, (4/4/2016).


Revise concepts of Clock / Time. Review on Sunday (3/4/16). 


Monday, 28 March 2016

Circular - 28/03/2016

Dear Parents
Kindly note the following points:

If you wish to have a copy of your child’s Class Photograph, kindly send the money through your ward.

Rate and size of Class Photograph
Size of Photograph
Cost in OMR
12” X 8” (inches)
OMR 2.5
6” X 8” (inches)
OMR 1.2

Mrs. Monzy Oommen

Home Work for Grade 4B on 28/03/16


Study Word- Meanings and Question-Answers of Lesson-15 for a review on Tuesday, 29/3/16


Save the following content and answer the questions that follow.

Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms that most commonly are transmitted in contaminated fresh water. Infection commonly results during bathing, washing, drinking, in the preparation of food, or the consumption of food thus infected.
The term "waterborne disease" is reserved largely for infections that predominantly are transmitted through contact with or consumption of infected water.
Microorganisms causing diseases that characteristically are waterborne, prominently include protozoa and bacteria, many of which are intestinal parasites, or invade the tissues or circulatory system through walls of the digestive tract. Various other waterborne diseases are caused by viruses.

Water purification is the removal of contaminants from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use.
When the solute dissolves in the solvent, a solution is formed.
Solute: the substance that is dissolved in another substance
Solvent: The liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution.
Solution: Mixture of Solute and Solvent.

Removal of insoluble impurities
Insoluble impurities present in water may be removed by sedimentation.
Sedimentation: The act or process of depositing sediment.  It done to separate particulates from a liquid by allowing the solids to settle to the bottom of the mixture and pouring off the particle-free part of the liquid.
The process by which insoluble substances which are heavier than water are separated is called sedimentation

Removal of soluble Impurities
Soluble impurities may be removed by evaporation and by distillation.
Evaporation: During evaporation the soil is kept in a dish and heated. When all the water evaporates, the solute is left over.
Distilled water is the purest form of water. It is generally used in car batteries, in science experiments and in medicines.

Distillation is a method which gives us both the solute (impurities) and the solvent (water) separately. On heating the solution, the water evaporates. It enters the condenser which is kept cool by the cold water circulating around it. On entering the cool condenser, the hot steam changes into water again, which collects in the flask below. This water is totally pure and free from any impurities. It is called distilled water.

Filtration: After sedimentation the water is filtered through a clean sand bed to remove finer suspended particles and bacteria.

Chlorination: water is then disinfected with a very small quantity of chlorine gas to that kills bacteria.

Q1. How are water borne diseases transmitted?
Q2. What is a solute, solvent and a solution? Explain with examples.
Q3. What is distillation. Explain the same with a diagram.
Q4. What is chlorination?

Home Work for Grade 3B on 28/03/16


Revise question/answers of unit -15.Written practice of the same will be done on Tuesday (29/3/16)


Learn the notes given below for a review on Wednesday, 30/3/2016. 
1. It is a cold, rocky planet.
2. It is known as a red planet because it is covered with red dust.
3. It has seasons like the Earth but is much colder because it is farther away from the Sun.
1. This planet is 11 times the size of earth.
2. It is made of gas, has over 60 moons.
3. It is the biggest of all the planets in the solar system.
4. This is made up of gas.
1. This planet is known for its massive rings.
2. It is also the second largest planet in the solar system, being 9 times larger than Earth.
3. It is completely made of gas.
1. It is also mostly made of the helium gas.
2. It is a giant gas ball with a rocky centre.
3. It is very far from the sun, so it is very cold.
4. It was the first planet discovered with a telescope.

Homework for Grade 2B on 28/3/16


Learn the content given in the EVS notebook under the topic Cloud and Rainbow for a review on Wednesday, 30/3/2016.


Study Question-Answers of Lesson-12 and Lesson-13 for a review on Tuesday, 29/3/16

Homework for Grade 1B on 28/3/16

Learn the content given in the EVS notebook under the following topics for a review on Wednesday, 30/3/2016.

1)  Hill
2) Valley
3) Coast
4) Desert

Study ‘Match ups ()’ for a review on Tuesday, 29/3/16.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Home Work for Grade 4B on Sunday (27/03/16)


 Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using one of the three common conjunctions:  and, but, or. Write it in your revision part of your notebook and submit it on 28-03-16.
1. The school marching band practiced hard ______ they still did not sound very good.
2. The two brothers went camping ________ swimming every summer.
3. Would you like to play cards _________ read a book?
4. The race car rounded the track for the last lap ___________ ran out of gas before it made it to the finish line.
5. Our mother said we could have either pancakes _________ waffles for breakfast on Saturday morning.

Describe Mesosphere . Write it in your notebook and submit it on 28-03-16.


  Revise concepts of Angles, area and perimeter for a review on Tuesday (29/03/16)  

Home Work for Grade 3B on Sunday (27/03/16)


Rewrite as one sentence using the conjunction given. Write it in the revision part of your notebook and submit it on 28-03-16.
1. I don't eat cheese. I don't eat butter. (or) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. I like him. He's annoying. (but) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. We're having salad for lunch. We're not very hungry. (so) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. She doesn't use much sun cream. She has very pale skin. (although) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
 5. This year, he's been to China. He has also been to Brazil. (and) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Write the sources of water pollution in your notebook and submit it on 28-03-16.

Copy and solve  the following in your note book and submit it on 28-03-16.
  Convert into metres
a)     2 Km 580 m
Convert into centimetres
a)     9 m  25 cm
Convert into  gram
a)     5kg 350 g

Convert into  millilitre
a)     5 l 800 ml

Homework for Grade 2B on 27/3/16


Read the given passage and answer the questions in your notebook and submit the same on Monday (28/3/16)

Ella loves her grandpa. He lives in Texas and comes to visit once a month.
She wishes he came to visit every week because he tells great stories and makes her favorite dinner.
Ella asks her mom to make the barbeque chicken that Grandpa makes.

Ella's mom says, "I will try, but no one
make it as well as Grandpa does.
Ella watches her mom prepare the sauce for the chicken. It looks tasty.
When the chicken is finished cooking, Ella's family sits down to eat. Her mom was right; no one make the barbeque chicken as well as Grandpa.
The next time her grandpa comes to visit, Ella tells him the story about her mom trying to make the chicken. Her grandpa says, "That is a great story." Then he teaches Ella and her mom how to make the chicken.

Ella and her mom make the barbeque chicken once a week. It still does not
taste quite as good as Grandpa's. Ella loves her grandpa.

Answer the Questions:

1.Where does Ella's grandpa live?
2. What is Ella's favourite dinner?
3. What story did Ella tell her grandpa?
4. What does Grandpa teach Ella and her mom to make?


Do the following in your Class work note book and submit the same on 28th March Monday
Calculate the amount

Revise concepts of Measurement / money for a review on Tuesday (29/03/16)  

Homework for Grade 1B on 27/3/16


Copy and answer the following in your notebook and submit the same on Monday, 28/3/2016.

Q. Punctuate the following sentences.
1) when is your birthday
2) Sunny's uncle is coming from america
3) i like chocolates
4) What is your teacher's name

Subject:  Math

Revise concepts of Division. Review on Tuesday (29/03/16)  

Circular - 27/03/2016

Dear Parents
You all are cordially invited to the Exhibition Day on 31st March 2016, Thursday in the old school campus from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM. Come, witness and motivate the potentials and talents of your child through their creative expression.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Thursday, 24 March 2016

Homework for Grade 1B on 24/3/16

Dear Parents,

Following are the worksheets to direct students towards self learning. Please note that these worksheets are for additional practice and are optional.



Homework for Grade 2B on 24/3/16

Dear Parents,

Following are the worksheets to direct students towards self learning. Please note that these worksheets are for additional practice and are optional.
