Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Homework for grade 5B on 31-05-16, Tuesday


Read the following passage and make notes. Write it in the class work part of your grammar notebook and submit it on 01-6-16.  

American Black Bears live in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. An American Black Bear can be up to seven feet tall if it stands on its hind legs. A mother Black Bear can have2-4 baby bears. They have the bears in winter. The baby bears are called cubs. During the winter, the cubs stay with their mother in the bear den. During the summer, the cubs like to go outside. They like to run and play. The cubs drink milk provided by their mother. The cubs eat nuts, berries, and insects. The cubs also love to eat honey. During the winter, the cubs sleep in the den with their mothers. They rest all winter. The cubs will leave their mother the next summer. They will move away to start their own family.

    1.   Learn the concept Body Mass Index and Obesity for a review on 01-6-16.

Revise concepts of Polygons and angles . Review on Wednesday , 1st June 2016 .


Copy or take a print of the following and stick it in your notebook and answer the questions.
Know your Computer
Ls. 2 . Storage devices

Q. Fill in the blanks with the options from the bracket.
(DVD, CD-RW, CD-ROM, floppy disk)
1)   A _______________________ is a low capacity disk which is removable from the computer.

2)   ___________________ is an optical storage device that allows reading the information only, and not writing on it.

3)   A _________________ can hold about 4.7 GB data in it.

4) A ___________________ allows large amount of data to be written to a CD as well as read from it.

Q. Answer the following questions

1)   What is a hard disk?

Ans. A hard disk is a higher capacity storage device that can store large amounts of data. It is generally non-removable, but removable (external) hard disks are becoming more common.

2)   What is a USB flash drive?
·        A USB flash drive is a small, portable device that can be plugged into the computer.
·        They can be carried around easily, and therefore can be used for transferring information form one computer to the other.

3)   Give any other two names for USB flash drives.
Ans. pen drives, key chain drives, key drives, memory sticks, pocket drives

   2)   What is the difference between primary memory and secondary memory?

Q.      Write the full forms for the following:

   a)   ROM :– ____________________________________________
   b)  RAM :– ____________________________________________
   c)   CD :- ______________________________________________
   d)  CD -  ROM :- ________________________________________
   e)   DVD :- ____________________________________________

USB :- ______________________________________

Homework for grade 4B on 31-05-16, Tuesday.


Write five Interrogative sentences in the homework part of your notebook and submit it on 01-06-16, Wednesday.


Answer the following question in the homework part of your notebook and submit it on 01-06-16, Wednesday.
1.   What is first aid ?


Copy and solve  the following in your math note book and submit the same on 1/6/16
What comes after
  a)   12 ______
  b)  34 ______
  c)   15 ______
  d)  23 ______

What comes  before

  a)   ____  24
  b)  ____  12
  c)   ____  18
  d)  ____  42

Homework for grade 3B on 31-05-16, Tuesday.


Revise concepts of Points, Lines, line segment and angles . Review on Wednesday , 1st June 2016 .


Watch the link given below draw the diagram of the tongue and write down the names of all the taste buds on the tongue in your notebook and submit it on 01-06-16.

Home work for grade 2B on 31/5/16, Tuesday

Subject : English

Study the topic "Alphabetical order" for a review on Wednesday, 1/6/2016.

Subject : Math

Revise the concept of backward counting for a  review on 1/6/2016, Wednesday

Home work for grade 1B and 1D on 31/5/16, Tuesday

Subject : English

Circle the plural words and then draw pictures for each word. Draw one picture for the singular words and two/many for the plural words and submit it on Wednesday (1st june 2016)
1. star
2. cars
3. apples
4. ring
5. chair
6. cat
7. balls
8. cups
9. pencil

Subject : Math
Copy and solve  the following in your math note book and submit the same on 1/6/16
What comes after
  a)   12 _____
  b)  34 ______
  c)   15 ______
  d)  23 ______
What comes  before
  a)   ____  24
  b)  ____  12
  c)   ____  18

  d)  ____  42

Circular - 31/05/2016

Dear Parents
School will reopen on Monday, 8th August 2016. From 8th August to 11th August 2016 refresher classes and life skill classes will be conducted.
Regular classes will begin from Sunday, 14th August 2016.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Circular - 31/05/2016

Dear Parents
Kindly note that tomorrow, 1st June 2016 and day after tomorrow, 2nd June 2016 School will disperse at 1:00 pm for Grade 1 – 5.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Holiday fun time – Kg2

Online games:

Songs & stories:

Holiday fun time – Kg1


      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gf5lVjNtGY – the elephant and the tailor
https://youtu.be/jYo4pKc2d8o - 3 Billy goats gruff
https://youtu.be/DBA1tK4L8fM - The gingerbread man
https://youtu.be/u6Dfq1xA3cQ - The country mouse and the town mouse

Online games:

Monday, 30 May 2016

Circular - 30/05/2016

Dear Parents
Summer holiday homework for Grade 1 -5 will be uploaded on the blog on Sunday, 5th June 2016.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Reminder - 30/05/2016

Dear Parents,
Kindly pay the first installment fees on or before 6 June. First installment fees, if paid after 6th June - RO5/- will be charged as fine. School will be charging RO1.5 as insurance fee for one year per student for accident insurance coverage.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen

Homework for grade 5B on 30-05-16, Monday.


Read the student manual provided and fill in the blanks. Copy the same into your note book. Submit on the following day.

  1.   Blood supplies ________ and ________ to every part of the body. It also helps in removing ___________ and other waste material of the body.
  2.   To do this blood has to continuously flow through every part of the body.
  3.   The heart works like a pump and pushes blood to every part of the body.
  4.   The blood reaches every part of the body with the help of ____________.
  5.   Heart pumps blood through blood vessels called ________ and _______.
  6.   The __________ are red in colour and have thick walls
  7.   They  carry pure ________________ blood from heart to all parts of the body.
  8.   The ________  blue in colour and have thin walls.
  9.   They carry impure ____________ blood from different parts of the body back to the heart.
  10.  This way blood keeps flowing throughout the body. This system in the body is known as ___________ system.
   11.  The __________ is the largest artery in the body.
  12. ___________ is used by the doctors to hear our heart beat.
  13.The heart of an adult beats about 70-80 times a minute.


Study Question-Answers of Lesson -2 written in the notebook for a review on 31.5.16.

Homework for grade 4B on 30-05-16, Monday

Learn the following words for dictation on Tuesday, 31-5-2016
·        Movable
·        Immovable
·        Joint
·        Pivot
·        Hinge
·        Ball and socket
·        Movement
·        Stirrup

The Kidneys:

·        Our body has two bean shaped organs called the Kidneys.
·        They work like filters and remove extra water, salts and urea from the blood.
·        They are brown in colour.
·        They are located in the lower abdomen, on the either side of the back bone.
·        Our kidneys purify the blood.
·        If one kidney stops working, the other can continue to work.
·        The kidneys are made up of thousands of tiny filters called nephrons.

Function of kidney

The impurities or the wastes that are present in the blood are filtered by the kidneys and given out in form of urine.

Study the Name of the colours in Hindi, written in the notebook for a review on 31-5-16

Homework for grade 3B on 30-05-16, Monday


Learn the notes given in the Science notebook under the topic Differences between solid, liquid and gas for a review on Wednesday, 1-6-2016.


Complete Question no. 4 given on page no. 13 of the textbook and submit the same on 31.5.16.

Home work for grade 2B on 30/5/16, Monday

 Subject : EVS

Learn the content given in the EVS notebook under the topic Different stages of growth for a review on Wednesday, 1-6-2016.  

Subject : Hindi     

Complete Page no. 24 of the textbook and submit the same on 31.5.16.

Home work for grade 1B and 1D on 30/5/16, Monday

Subject : EVS

Write the following in your notebook and submit the same on Tuesday (31st May 2016)                                                                                                                           
We have five sense organs.                                                                                          eyes, ears, nose , tongue, skin

   2.  Name three things that make a  sound                                                                                                
   3.  Write three food items that are salty and three food items that are sweet

Subject : Hindi

 Paste or draw 4 pictures of e and submit the same on 31.5.16.

Circular - 30/05//2016

Dear Parents,
The School closes for summer break on Friday, 3rd June 2016. On Thursday, that is the last working day students will be celebrating ‘sharing day’ and will be allowed to wear casual dress for it.

Mrs. Monzy Oommen


Sunday, 29 May 2016

Homework for Grade 1B and 1D on 29/5/16


Subject: English

Look at the pictures and write the plural form of the words in your notebook and  submit on Monday 30th May 2016

Subject : Math

There will be a review  based on the topic `  Number names 1 to 50  ' on 31/5/16

Homework for Grade 2B on 29/5/16

Subject: English

Copy the following in the English Grammar notebook and arrange the words in the alphabetical order and submit the same on 30/5/2016.

 Subject : Math

Write the numerals from  800 to  900  in your classwork note book and submit the same on Monday , 30/5/2016

Homework for grade 3B on 29-05-16, Sunday.


Complete the exercises on page no. 17 and 18  in Math Workbook and submit the same on Monday , 30/5/2016.


On half of an A4 size construction sheet, write your first name in pencil and then make holes like in Braille system on the letters using a pointed instrument (take care while doing so) and submit on 30/5/2016.


Homework for grade 4B on 29-05-16, Sunday.


Write five declarative sentences in the homework part of your notebook and submit it on 30-05-16, Monday.


Answer the following question in the homework part of your notebook and submit it on 30-05-16, Monday.

   1.   Why physical exercise is important for a healthy life?


Revise the topic ` 3D shapes ' for a review on 31/5/16, Tuesday.

Homework for grade 5B on 29-05-16, Sunday.


Learn the words given in your notebook for a dictation on 30-05-16, Monday.


Answer the following question in the homework part of your notebook and submit it on 30-5-16, Monday.

   1.    Write three ways to control obesity.


Complete the exercise on page no. 82  in Math student book and submit the same on Monday , 30/5/2016

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Homework for Grade 1 B and D on 26/5/16

Dear Parents,

Following are the worksheets to direct students towards self learning. Please note that these worksheets are for additional practice and are optional.



Homework for Grade 2 B on 26/5/16

Dear Parents,

Following are the worksheets to direct students towards self learning. Please note that these worksheets are for additional practice and are optional.

