Dear Parents
8th October 2015
--- Best out of waste. CCA Competition.
It was indeed a treat to watch children getting their
materials organized, working on it with full concentration, yet passing
comments cracking jokes and expressing themselves.Friends giving suggestions
and encouragement when things were not happening as desired.Friends ,appreciating
, and feeling proud of each- others
final product. ----This is true schooling and learning.
We can never use up creativity. The more we use the more we have.
I wish to thank all the parents who made this happen. Thank
you for your support and always believing in us to move forward step by step.
It brought tears of joy when we watched some of the
student’s progress. The confidence the concentration and the passion with which
they worked. The parent and we know how this happened.
When school and home join hands, trusting in each other,
supporting and complimenting one another the result is --- child gets benefitted.
When I saw the final product I was reminded of the quote by Pablo Picasso
Some artists transform the sun into a yellow spot; others
transform an yellow spot into the sun.
Different ideas, leading to different types of things made, was indeed remarkable.
Congratulations dear children. You are indeed amazing. The
joy and pride on your faces said it all.
Keep using your free time to be creative. God Bless. We love
Monzy Oommen