Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Homework for Grade 1 as on 07/03.2018

Subject: Science

Learn the following question and answer for review on 11/03/2018, Sunday.

1. Why do hunting animals have padded feet?
    They can creep up on other animals quietly.
    Creep up – moving unnoticed.

2. Why emergency vehicles have sirens?
     We can easily hear the siren even if we can’t see the vehicle.

Subject: Hindi

Write and practice  the following words in the notebook and submit the same on 08/03/2018, Thursday.
  • तितली
  • नकली
  • जमीन

Subject: Urdu

Complete the textbook exercise (page no: 68 and 69) and submit the same on 08/03/2018, Thursday.