Monday, 17 September 2018

Homework for Grade 3 as on 17/09/2018

Subject: Science

Lesson-1-Life Processes 
Refer textbook pg no.7 , words in the word bank and sort animals into vertebrates and invertebrates and write them in the table and submit the same on 18th September,2018.

Subject: Urdu
اللہ تعالی کی کوئی سی پانچ خوبیاں لکھ کر لائیں

Subject: Hindi
दिए गए शब्दों के विलोम शब्द लिखिए – Write in your HW book twice and learn the same.
  ]   अधिक x  कम
  ]  मुश्किल  x  आसान
  ]  जागना  x  सोना
  ] मेहनत   x  आलस
  ]  आज      x  कल

Subject: French
Children are requested to write the French Alphabets (A to C) 5 times with their pronunciation along with the words given in the notebook.