Tuesday 24 September 2019

Homework for Grade 5 as on 24-09-2019

Learn the following words for the Dictation Test on Thursday(26.09.19)    
1. Traditional, 
2. Tale,
3. Gentle, 
4. Dialogue, 
5. Twist, 
6. Alliteration, 
7. Creative, 
8. Punctuation                                                               

Write and learn the months of the year in hindi which is on page no.13 in textbook and submit on 25-09-2019.
हिंदी महीनो के नाम लिखिए

Complete it and submit on 26-09-2019.
حمد کے پہلے شعر کی تشریح یاد کریں ـ

Read the chapter 'Que savez-vous de la France ?' and write French numbers from 1 to 20 in the notebook. Class-Test will be conducted on Sunday, dated 29-09-2019 from the chapter 'Que savez-vous de la France ?' and 'Une boum'.

Complete the assigned activities  from Mathletics.com. Submission date is on 28-09-2019.