Tuesday 22 October 2019

Homework for Grade 3 as on 22-10-2019

Frame meaningful sentences using the given words in the CW book and submit on 23-10-2019.
1. Invitation     
2. Celebrate     
3. Prepare      
4. Party       
5. unhappy   

निचे  दिए गए  वाक्यों में संज्ञा[ NOUN ] शब्दों को रेखांकित करो –

Solve the question given in page no- 32 from your Hindi  Grammar text book.Write your answer in your HW note book and submit on 23-10-2019.

Submission date is on 24-10-2019.
-کتاب گیندا : عنوان – میاؤں صفحہ نمبر 13 کا سوال نمبر 1 اپنی کاپی میں حل کیجیے- ( اونچ نیچ  تا پیچھے)

Understand and write the first 3 French sentences in the notebook from the textbook page no. 20 from the topic 'À la cafétéria'. 
Submit the same on 24-10-2019.
Learn the words given on page no 22  for a  dictation which will be conducted  on Sunday, (27-10-2019).

Practice Mathletics Topic Number and Place Value (2)- Model numbers.
Submission date is on 24-10-2019.