Activity 1: Recollect to find out-
Find a student who...
1. Came to school on their birthday: ____________________________
2. Got 100% on more than 10 spelling tests: ____________________________
3. Brought their own lunch to school: ____________________________
4. Never got sick during school day: ____________________________
5. Has a sisters who goes to this school: ____________________________
6. Has a brother who goes to this school: ____________________________
7. Forgot their homework more than 5 times: ____________________________
8. You sat next to in lunch this year: ____________________________
9. Lost a tooth during a school day: ____________________________
10. Had to go to the hospital this year: ____________________________
11. Grew more than 3 inches this year! ____________________________
12. Moved to a new home this school year: ____________________________
13. Forgot their book bag more than once: ____________________________
14. Got a new pet this school year: ____________________________
15. Who had great attendance this year: ____________________________
16. Got a new baby at their home: ____________________________
17. Fell in mud or water this school year: ____________________________
18. Is not going to be here next year: ____________________________
19. Can now type fast on a computer: ____________________________
20. Had fun this school year! _____________________________
Activity 2: Make a working or a still model of your choice related to any topic from any one of the following subjects- EVS or Math.
Activity 3:
Activity 3: