Fill in the blanks in the Science notebook and submit
the same on Thursday, 26/11/2015.
1. Seed
is covered by a hard covering called as ______________.
2. The
process of a baby plant beginning to grow is called as _____________________.
3. Creepers
have ____________ and weak stem.
4. The
___________ store food for the baby plant.
Copy the following notes in
Hindi notebook and submit the same on Thursday, 26/11/15
लड़का - ल ड़
चूहा - चूहे
तारा - तारे
केला - केले
कमरा - कमरे
मुरगा - मुरगे
बच्चा - बच्चे
पत्ता - पत्ते
दरवाजा - दरवाजे
बस्ता - बस्ता