Monday, 20 February 2017

Homework for 1 B and D on 20/02/2017


Draw and colour the following in an A4 sheet. Write the daily use of water in each circle. Submit the same on 21/2/2017. 
Revise य - श्र ( Write the beginning letter of the corresponding letter) for a review on 21.2.17, Tuesday.


Complete the given homework .


Bring at least 20 beads/buttons/seeds for an activity on 22nd February, Wednesday.


Draw one line under the verbs and two lines under the noun in the following sentences. Copy down the homework in your English notebook and submit the same on 22/2/2017.

1.   The boys fight.
2.   Cows eat grass.
3.   Birds build nest.
4.   A porter carries a load.
5.   The sun shines in the sky.