Monday, 13 February 2017

Homework for 5 B on 13/02/2017

Answer the questions given below in your science notebook. Refer pg no: 79 of unit 7 of your study material. Submit the same on Wednesday, 15/2/17.

                                         Water Energy

1.       ___________________ of the world is covered with water in the form of
________________, ____________________ and  ____________________. Water or ________________________is a renewable source of energy. The _____________________ the river the _________________ energy that can be harnessed, so in some parts of the world large rivers are used by _______________________________to make electricity. In hydroelectric stations, water is stored in ____________________. Water flows downhill through large pipes and through the__________________. The falling water _________________the turbines, _________________________the shaft, and _________________the generator to make___________________.

2.     Draw a diagram explaining the production of hydro electricity.


Read Lesson- 13 for an oral review on 14.2.17, Tuesday

كتابة ثلاث كلمات رسمت فيهاالهمزة على ألف ووضعها في جمل
