Thursday, 13 September 2018

Homework for Grade 5 as on 13/09/2018

Subject: English
Reading Comprehension
Complete the reading comprehension given in your workbook on page no. 4 and 5.
Submit it on Sunday, 16/09/2018.

Subject: Hindi

Follow the below link to learn about Ozone Layer

Subject: Urdu
Follow the below link and enjoy learning

Subject: French
Children are requested to learn the French song ‘Les Petits Poissons’ with the help of audio visuals. Kindly refer to the link for further practice as the same has been practiced in the class.

Subject: Science

Research on the various applications of a plane mirror in our daily lives and make a mind map of the same in the CW notebook and submit it on 16/09/2018( Sunday )

Subject: Math

Solve the below worksheet which is optional.The same can be solve in CW notebook also.