Dear parents,
The 21st century learning has been
used to refer to abilities students must master such as problem solving skills,
critical thinking skills and digital literacy. Some refer to it as ability to
collaborate, communicate, and demonstrate skills that will ultimately help
students navigate their way in the future. Keeping these in mind our school
conducted a “Brain Lab” programme in our school on 26th and
27th September 2018 to sharpen their skills, to awake the genius in
every child. We are delighted and thrilled to announce that we are going to
launch this programme in our school from Grade 2 to Grade 6 shortly. Please
refer to the attachment for further details.
The cost of this special programme will be RO 1.5
per month per kid.
Kindly send your consent through the students diary
if you are interested (Yes, I am interested for the brain lab) by 7th
October 2018.
Note: Programme can be offered only if
minimum 75 students wish to enroll.