Tuesday 17 December 2019

Homework for Grade 1 as on 17-12-2019

Underline the nouns in the following sentences and write it in the English homework notebook and submit it on 18/12/2019 , Wednesday.

Practice    से   VYANJAN in your  HW note book .Test will be on 18-12-2019,Thursday.

Write and learn small letters چھوٹی اشکال  in your note book. Submission date is on 18-12-2019.

Revise the chapters for Term 1 exam.Class-test and revision will be conducted daily.

Complete the number line addition in the math homework notebook and submit it on 18/12/2019 , Wednesday.

Subject:Science(Optional Worksheet)
These are only for those students who are interested for additional exercises.
Solve the optional worksheet given and submit on  24th December 2019 .