Monday 16 December 2019

Homework for Grade 4 as on 16-12-2019

Solve the questions 1, 2 and 3  on  page 63 of Science workbook. Submission date is on 18-12-2019.

State the difference between latitudes and longitudes? Write in SST notebook and submit on 17-12-2019.

Copy and solve the following questions in Math CW and submit on 17-12-2019.
Q1. Multiply by grid method.
a) 54 x 7   b) 77 x 5   c) 82 x 8   d) 39 x 6  e) 68 x 9
Q2. Complete these calculations.
A) 74 ÷ 4   b) 85 ÷ 5  c) 49 ÷ 3