Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Homework for Grade 2 as on 03/10/2018

Subject: Science

Write the following words 1 time in the H.W book and learn for a dictation on Sunday.

1.   Absence
2.   Artificial
3.   Shiny
4.   Objects
5.   Reflection
6.   Bouncing
7.   Energy
8.   Candle
9.   Torch
10.   Bulb 

Subject: Hindi
Write the following words two times in the HW book.
टमाटर ,बस , आम , घास , आठ , सितार , चिमटा, सीपी , विमान , किताब
(tamater, bus, aam, ghaas ,aat, sitar, cheemta , seepi ,vimaan , kitab )

Subject: French
Children are requested to study French greetings and alphabets for a surprise class-test.

Subject: Urdu
حروف تہجی کی چھوٹی اشکال کاپی میں لکھیے