Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Homework for Grade 3 as on 03/10/2018

Subject: Science
Learn the following questions for an oral test on 7th October 2018
                1) Give any five features  of Amphibians.
                2) Give any four features of Reptiles.
                3) Give any three features of Mammals.

Subject: Hindi

Write the following question and answer two times in the HW book.
प्रश्न१ हिंदी भाषा में कितने स्वर हैं ?
उत्तर हिंदी भाषा में ११ स्वर हैं |

Subject: French
Children are requested to study French greetings, alphabets and Basic French Conversation for a surprise class-test.

Subject: Urdu
ایک سے لیکر دس تک لفظوں میں گنتی لکھیے