Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Homework for Grade 4 as on 03/10/2018

Subject: Science
Complete the Revision in text book page no.24  and submit the same tomorrow (4-10-18).

Subject: French
Children are requested to study French greetings, alphabets and Basic French Conversation for a surprise class-test.

Subject: Hindi
दिए गए एक वचन शब्द से बहुवचन शब्द बनाओ – write the plural of the given words in hw book 2 times.
पौधा - पौधे
पत्ता - पत्ते
पिंजरा - पिंजरे
आँख - आँखे
पुस्तक - पुस्तके

Subject: Urdu
ان الفاظ کے جملے بنائیے  سزا ، جنگل ، مزاق ، کشتی ، بارش ، پہاڑ