Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Holiday homework - Grade 3B

Subject: English

The Romans     Page No.122            Read Unit- 14
Collect information about Romans.
You can draw /paste and write about them under the following categories and can add more information.
1)       Which city did the Romans come from?
2)       Why did the Romans build straight roads?
3)       Who helped to build the roads?
4)       What metal objects did a Roman soldier wear?
5)       What did the metal helmet do?
6)       What did soldiers learn to drive?
*You can collect more information about the Romans and record in your scrap book.
*You can refer to the following links:

Subject: Math
1. Take an A4 size paper. Create patterns using cutouts of different shapes and stick it in the paper.

2. Let us make a chart on how we spend our time in a day. Record the time we spend on sleeping, eating, playing and reading.

Measure a strip of paper that is 24 inches long. Mark one inch each as one hour on the the strip . Color in the number of hours for each activity. Use a different color for each activity. 
Trace a circle on an A4 size paper. Stick the coloured strips of paper like spokes.  Now you have prepared a pie chart of how you  spend your time. Compare this with how other members of your family spend their time. 
John's pie chart on how he spends his time is given as an example for your reference. 

Click on the link and try to solve:

Click on the link and try to solve:

Watch this link given below (Addition of 4 digit numbers)

Subject: Science
 1.  Find out 5 different types of leaves (different in shape/colour/texture /size/design) and stick each on different A4 sheets of paper.

2. Creative thinking:
The temperature around the world is rising due to global warming. The ice sheets of Antarctica which carries 80% of  the  world‘s water is melting into the oceans. What would you do as a science student in order to save the globe? Explain in not more than 200 words.

3.  Compare the animals using the specified categories (shape/size/colour/food habits/movement/habitat):

a.     Any two terrestrial animals
b.     A terrestrial and an aquatic animal
c.      An aquatic and an arboreal animal
d.     An arboreal and a terrestrial animal
e.     An amphibian and an aquatic animal  

Subject:  Hindi
1)  Write 5 sentences using adjectives in the rough notebook.

2)   Make a web to show different uses of water by sticking pictures on a quarter size chart paper.

3)   Stick pictures of 5 animals & birds .Write their names  and sound to make a web on a quarter size chart  paper. 
      An example of a web is given below.


      भालू                                                गुर्राना                                                                                                           

                  उल्लू                    हला करना

Subject: Computer
Write a story on your own using the power point. Copy it on to a CD or send it by mail to info@worldschooloman.com

Subject: Social Science
     1.     Have a treat without heat!!

 Prepare two dishes for your family with locally available ingredients. Write the list of ingredients used and the procedure to prepare your delicacy in a scrap book.  Click a photograph of the same and stick it along with the recipe. Remember “it’s cooking without fire”.

     2.   Best out of waste: Take a medium size pot/empty container. Paint it/wrap it with paper and decorate it with waste material. For e.g. - pencil shavings, toffee wrappers, broken bangles, pista/groundnut shells, beads etc. Submit it when school re-opens. Kindly label the pot with your child's name.

واجبات منزلية خلال الإجازة في مادة اللغة العربية
Summer Arabic Homework
الصف الثالث 3B

1- أشاهد قصة  " ليلى والذئب " على الرابط التالي:
 ثم ألخّصها وأكتبها على دفتر جديد.
2- أشاهد هذه الأغنية على الرابط التالي ثم أحفظها. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHFkCI6LSpQ
3- أكتب خمسة جمل عمّا سأفعله في الإجازة.
4- أذهب إلى المركز التجاري ( الاستقرار, اللولو, كارفور...) وأبحث عن هذه الكلمات ثم أكتبها باللغة العربية:
-         Chocolate Galaxy
-         Rice
-         Milk
-         Lulu
-         Name of your school
-         masafi