Sunday 14 June 2015

General Knowledge Quiz for 4B on 14-06-2015

                                         General Knowledge Quiz

Prepare an Encyclopedia by collecting pictures related to the answers and pasting them in a scrapbook:

1.    Which among the following is the main source of import of Liquefied Natural Gas for India?  - Nigeria , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman

2.    The handheld computer called the Nexus 7 has been recently released by -

3.    What is Oman? (a)  Republic  (b) Sultanate (c) Dominion (d) Kingdom

4.    Mohamed Mursi is the new President of ___________.

5.    How many Emirates are there in U.A.E.?

6.    What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games called?

7.    Which is the largest emirate in U.A.E.?

8.    When did everyone over 21 get the voting rights in Oman?

9.    Oman is the part of which Peninsula?

10. Which is the largest country of Africa?

11. As per the Ethnologies what is the number of living languages in Sudan?

12. Which is the National bird of Pakistan?

13. A typical Egyptian breakfast usually comes with which of the following? - Fava Beans /Lamb /Quinoa / None of these

14. According to Egyptian people, which plant had the power to chase snakes away?

15. What is the capital of Syria?

16. Which is the largest animal in the world?

17. Which is the smallest bird?

18. Which is the tallest animal of the Earth?

19. Which is the biggest continent in the world?

20. Which is the largest Island in the world?

21. Which is the longest river in the world?

22. Which is the largest desert in the world?

23. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

24. Which is the tallest waterfall in the world?

25. Which is largest ocean in the world?

26. Who is the richest person in the world?

27. Which man holds the "Guinness World Record" for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands?

28. Who invented Laptop and when?

29. What is Cougar? How is it different from Jaguar?

30. Which is the most peaceful country in the world?

Holiday activities for 4B on 14-06-2015

Activity 1: 
Recollect to find out-
Find a student who...
1. Came to school on their birthday: ____________________________
2. Got 100% on more than 10 spelling tests: ____________________________
3. Brought their own lunch to school: ____________________________
4. Never got sick during school day: ____________________________
5. Has a sisters who goes to this school: ____________________________
6. Has a brother who goes to this school: ____________________________
7. Forgot their homework more than 5 times: ____________________________
8. You sat next to in lunch this year: ____________________________
9. Lost a tooth during a school day: ____________________________
10. Had to go to the hospital this year: ____________________________
11. Grew more than 3 inches this year! ____________________________
12. Moved to a new home this school year: ____________________________
13. Forgot their book bag more than once: ____________________________
14. Got a new pet this school year: ____________________________
15. Who had great attendance this year: ____________________________
16. Got a new baby at their home: ____________________________
17. Fell in mud or water this school year: ____________________________
18. Is not going to be here next year: ____________________________
19. Can now type fast on a computer: ___________________________ 
20. Had fun this school year! _____________________________

Activity 2: 
Make a working or a still model of your choice related to any topic from any one of the following subjects- EVS  or Math.

Activity 3: 

Activity 4: 

Activity 5: 

Last Day of School
It’s the last day of school!  Think about your past school year, and answer
the following questions.  Use your best handwriting, punctuation,
spelling, and grammar, to show what you’ve learned this year!
What was your favorite subject this year, and why?
Who did you become friends with this year?  Why did you choose to
become friends with them?
What are you looking forward to learning about next year?
Activity 6:

Think about your plans for the summer.  Now, let your imagination free!
Answer the following questions in complete sentences!  Be creative!
1. If you could go anywhere in the world this summer, where would
you go and why?

2. You will grow this summer.  But, what if you grew to be 8 feet tall?
What will happen on the first day of school?


3. This summer, you will not have class work or homework.  Imagine if
you could give yourself homework.  What kind of summer
homework would you like to do?  Why?

4. On the first day of school, you may know some students.  But,
what if no one remembers you?  What will you do?  How will you
feel?  Why?

Activity 7:
You are an explorer!!!!
Your mission is to document and observe the world around you as if you've never seen it before. Take notes, collect things you find during your travel. Document your findings, notice patterns, trace, copy. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what your are drawn to. 

Activity 8: 

Activity 9: 
1. Daddy’s Hand

2. 500 miles

3. Happiness

4. Sing along

General Knowledge Quiz for 3B on 14-06-2015

Which of these is not a Primary Color – red/yellow/brown/blue?

Which color of clothes would keep us warm in winter?

Of the 7 colours in the rainbow, which one is in the middle?

When you mix red and yellow you get….

We tend to wear lots of clothes during this season…

You can see lots of flowers in this season ….

The trees shed their leaves in this season…

In which season do we ski?

What is the name of Winnie the Pooh’s donkey friend?

Cat who is always trying to eat Jerry the mouse

Sailor who gains super-strength by eating cans of spinach
Spaceman in Toy Story series who goes “to infinity and beyond
Cars, named after Mario’s brother…
Which fictional dog has two sisters Belle and Molly?
Which is the largest animal in the world?
Usually living organisms have blood that is red in colour but this fish has colourless blood. Can you name it?
What are baby goats called?
What is the tallest animal in the world?
How many legs does a spider have?
What are groups of lions known as?
What is the capital of Australia?
What is the currency of Qatar?
Malay is the official language of which country?
Which is the largest ocean in the world?
Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?
Something that attracts metal…
A river that runs through Egypt….
A mountain from which lava erupts….
An eight sided shape….
A circular food from Italy….

Holiday activities for 3B on 14-06-2015

Activity 1
Last Day of School

It’s the last day of school!  Think about your past school year, and answer
the following questions.  Use your best handwriting, punctuation,
spelling, and grammar, to show what you’ve learned this year!
What was your favorite subject this year, and why?

Who did you become friends with this year?  Why did you choose to
become friends with them?

What are you looking forward to learning about next year?

Activity 2: Make a working or a still model of your choice related to any topic from any one of the following subjects- EVS  or Math.

Activity 3: 

Activity 4: 
Recollect to find out-
Find a student who...
1. Came to school on their birthday: ____________________________
2. Got 100% on more than 10 spelling tests: ____________________________
3. Brought their own lunch to school: ____________________________
4. Never got sick during school day: ____________________________
5. Has a sisters who goes to this school: ____________________________
6. Has a brother who goes to this school: ____________________________
7. Forgot their homework more than 5 times: ____________________________
8. You sat next to in lunch this year: ____________________________
9. Lost a tooth during a school day: ____________________________
10. Had to go to the hospital this year: ____________________________
11. Grew more than 3 inches this year! ____________________________
12. Moved to a new home this school year: ____________________________
13. Forgot their book bag more than once: ____________________________
14. Got a new pet this school year: ____________________________
15. Who had great attendance this year: ____________________________
16. Got a new baby at their home: ____________________________
17. Fell in mud or water this school year: ____________________________
18. Is not going to be here next year: ____________________________
19. Can now type fast on a computer: ____________________________
20. Had fun this school year! _____________________________

Activity 5:

Activity 6: 

Make a picture dictionary, where you need to have at least 3 pictures per letter and its word (A to Z). Use an A4 size paper and make it like a scrap book. An example has been done for you above.

Activity 7: 

Activity 8: Songs

1. Daddy’s Hand

2. 500 miles

3. Happiness

4. Sing along