Thursday 6 November 2014

Homework for 2B on 6-11-2014

Subject: EVS
Complete the given worksheet based on the theme – “Plants”. Mention at least two plants that are edible (can be eaten) for each part that has been mentioned.

Subject: English
Solve pg no. 84 - exercise (2) and (3) of the textbook.

Subject: Math
Multiply the following. (Do it in your Math notebook):
1.   4 × 7 =
2.   6 × 9 =
3.   3 × 0 =
4.   2 × 7 =
5.   7 × 8 =

Revise for the Math assessment to be held on Sunday, 9th November 2014.

Subject: Hindi
Revise pages 27, 29, 32, 33 and 34 of the text book.