Sunday 8 February 2015

Homework for 3B on 8-2-2015

Subject: English
Read page no. 130 and 131 and revise exercise 1 on page no. 132 of the textbook.

Subject: Social Science
When it rains, the raindrops fall and get soaked into the ground. Some of the rain water makes puddles or ponds on sidewalks or on the ground. But if it rains heavily and the soil can hold no more, the water runs down the mountains, around the rocks, roots of trees and finally comes together to form small streams. Several streams join together to form a river. When the ground flattens, the river either keeps on running past villages, town, cities until it reaches the ocean or it slows down and sometimes forms lakes. Some of the water soaks into the ground to become groundwater which comes out at different places as springs.
People have different ways of collecting rain water. Some people put up gutters on their roofs so as to collect this water into big tanks. Some fetch their water directly from the river with their buckets and pots. Some people direct the water from the river to the dams or reservoirs where it is cleaned and stored for our taps. Others dig into the soil and pump the groundwater to the wells from where people can fetch it to their homes.
Look for the meanings of the following words and complete the given table:

Subject: Hindi
Learn word - meanings of lesson-14 on pg no. 87 of the text book.
Subject: Math
Solve word problems 4 & 5 on page no.12 and word problem 1 on page no. 13 of the  worksheet.