Monday 30 March 2015

Extra Knowledge - 2B - 30/3/2015

G.K Quiz

# Identify the mother of this animal.

#  Is this a parakeet or a parrot?

# Tick the correct sentence.

Children is enjoying themselves.

Children are enjoying themselves.

# Tick the correct time.

                        Half past three.

                        Quarter to three

# Can you hear them?

                       Yes  /  No

Choose the correct option:

1. Masculine gender of peahen is

A   Hen                               B   Peacock                            C   Cock

2. Past tense of verb splash.

A  Splashd                          B   Splashs                            C  Splashed

3. Write plural of bunny

A   Bunnies                         B   Bunnyes                          C  Bunys

4. Meaning of deciduous forest is_______________

A.  Plants that shed leaves annually.
B.   Plants that shed leaves monthly.
C.   Plants that never shed their leaves.
D.  None of the above

5. Mountain plants - ____________________

A. Cannot stand strong in strong blowing winds.
B. Have to face the most difficult living conditions.
C.  Plants do not grow on mountains.
D.  Do not need water for growth.

ORAL-1) Headmistress – (masculine/feminine)
            2) sheep –(Singular/plural/both)
            3) You can smell with your hands.(true/false)
            4) Spell the word Auditorium

            5) Name the cover that protects the seed.

MENTAL MATH - Practice the following qestions

SPELL –B - Study the following spellings 

A.  Circle the correct spelling:

1.    Rumenation                Rumination                   Rumination

2.  Extirnal                      Extearnal                     External

3.  Intistine                    Intestene                     Intestine

4.  Omnivorous               Omnivorus                    Omnevorous   

5.  Dangarous                  Dangerus                    Dangerous       

6.    Hebevorous              Herbivorous                Herbivours               

B.          Unjumble the words related to family:

1.          jiont       _________________
2.        cuoisn       _________________
3.        flimay      _________________
4.         nluaer      _________________

C.    Fill in the blanks to form the internal organs of our body:

1.    S  __  __  M   ___  C  ____

2.  H  __  ___  ___ T

3.  L  ___  N    __   S

4.  K  ___  ___   ____  E  Y

5.   B ____   ____  ____  N

D, Word Search