Wednesday 28 October 2015

Home work for 3B on 28/10/15

Grade 3B homework could not be viewed yesterday, due to some technical errors, Hence it has been re-uploaded today.   

Subject: English

Write the feminine gender for the following words in revision part of your notebook and submit it on 29/10/15.

1.   Emperor

2.   Prince

3.   Son

4.   King

5.   Hero

Subject: Math

Do the following sums on an A4 size paper and submit it on Thursday, 29/10/15.

    45             130             41            562            26    

    x3               x5            x 32            x 6           x12
--------        --------        ---------       --------     --------   

Subject: Social Science

Write the answers for the following question in revision part of your notebook and submit it on 29/10/15.

1.   Name five animals from which we get leather to make leather products.

     2. Write three steps involved in the process of leather processing

Subject: Science

Learn the content given in the notebook under the topic photosynthesis for an oral review on Thursday, 29/10/15.