Monday 18 January 2016

Home Work for Grade 4B on Monday, 18/01/16

Subject: Science
Write the following content in your Science notebook and submit the same on Tuesday, 19/01/2016.

Biomes- Regions of the world with similar climate and biological surroundings i.e. plants and animals.

Terrestrial biomes
·        Tundra-
o   coldest biome
o   Average temperature is 50C
o   Below the surface soil is permanently frozen, known as permafrost.
o   Decomposition is very slow because of the extreme cold.
o   Less than 25 inches of rain in a year

·        Taiga-
o   long and cold winter
o    100 inches  per year precipitation—mostly snow
o   Precipitation is in the form of snow about 60 cm.
o   Temperature is -20 0C in winter and about 15 0C in summer.
o    Trees are cone shaped and have needle like leaves- coniferous trees.


Study for a review on 19/1/16 on the topic ‘Application for sick leave’ written in Hindi in the notebook.