Monday 28 March 2016

Home Work for Grade 3B on 28/03/16


Revise question/answers of unit -15.Written practice of the same will be done on Tuesday (29/3/16)


Learn the notes given below for a review on Wednesday, 30/3/2016. 
1. It is a cold, rocky planet.
2. It is known as a red planet because it is covered with red dust.
3. It has seasons like the Earth but is much colder because it is farther away from the Sun.
1. This planet is 11 times the size of earth.
2. It is made of gas, has over 60 moons.
3. It is the biggest of all the planets in the solar system.
4. This is made up of gas.
1. This planet is known for its massive rings.
2. It is also the second largest planet in the solar system, being 9 times larger than Earth.
3. It is completely made of gas.
1. It is also mostly made of the helium gas.
2. It is a giant gas ball with a rocky centre.
3. It is very far from the sun, so it is very cold.
4. It was the first planet discovered with a telescope.