Sunday 4 September 2016

Homework for 5 B on 04/09/16.


Identify and underline the subject, verb, Direct Object(DO) and Indirect Object (IO) in the following sentences. Write it in your grammar notebook and submit on 05/09/16(Monday).
1.   Aaron gave him a present.
2.   The teacher taught us Maths.
3.   My father bought a new car for me.
4.   The soldiers sacrifice their lives for us.
5.   My sister helped me to draw pictures.


Rearrange the numbers and add:

a.   12 +16+88+24+30
b.   73+11+19+7
c.   55+11+29+35+10
d.   10+34+22+78+6

Round off to nearest:
a.   Tens
i.             123           ii.      896          
b.   Hundreds
i.             3098         ii.      1034        
c.   Thousands
1997         ii.      6190

Solve the questions in your notebook and submit on 05/09/16.