Sunday, 11 June 2017


Dear Parents,

Reference to the concerns received from the parents and the discussions had with the Parent Advisory Council, management wishes to inform you the following:

1. The fee hike for this year (even though nominal and was necessitated due to shift to Cambridge International Curriculum) has been reduced by 50%. If any parent has paid in excess, the same would be adjusted in the next installment fees

2. The Text books and Stationery fees is revised to RO45/- for the KG1 & KG2 section. In case if any parent does not want to purchase the stationery from the school, they can buy text books alone where the cost shall be RO29/- only.

3. The information that we are asking for 5th installment fees is wrong or misinterpreted. Already the circular clearly says that the first installment fees for the academic year 2017-2018 is requested to be paid. School collects annual fees in 4 installments only and would not be charging any further at all.

4. There is a wrong message circulating among the parents that there is a change in the academic plan, second language, etc. Please be noted that as on date, discussions had been going with Ministry where some suggestions have been received and some proposals have been made from our end. It is in the discussion stage only and we assure that any changes would be advised well in advance and sufficient time would be given to make necessary adjustments or shifting.

We do respect the sentiments and concerns of the parents and would assure our best for your satisfaction. 

By the order of Management