Wednesday 16 January 2019

Homework for Grade 1 as on 16-01-2019

Subject: Hindi
Learn and Write in twice and submit on 17-01-2019
गरदन , जगत , डबल , धमक , बरतन , लहर , वतन ,सड़क , रक्षक ,

लगन , फरफर , तरह , छलक , कमल

Subject: Urdu
Complete the HW and submit on 17-01-2019
'الف' سے لیکر 'ے' تک حروف تہجی لکھیے-
مع چھوٹی اشکال- 

Subject: French
Children should make things as shown on the page no.44 in the textbook and submit on Sunday,17-02-2019. They can use any waste material at home.