Wednesday 27 March 2019

Homework for Grade 3 as on 27-03-2019

मित्र को पत्र लिखकर कक्षा पिकनिक के बारे में बताओ.

Write a letter to your friend about your class picnic and submit on 28-03-2019.

Complete it and submit on 29-03-2019.
اپنے پسنددیدہ کھلونے کے بارے میں کوئی سے پانچ جملے بنائیں -

Surprise dictation will be conducted from the textbook- page no.89.

Make a list of the different cultures that you see in Salalah. Which places do you think these people come from? Complete it and submit on 31-03-2019.