Monday 29 April 2019

Homework for Grade 1 as on 29-04-2019

Complete and learn the following for a class review on 30/4/2019, Tuesday.
a. Name one root that we can eat.
b. Name one stem that we can eat.
c. Name one leaf that we can eat.
d. Name one flower that we can eat.


हिंदी वर्णमाला लिखिए - स्वर और व्यंजन
Write swar and vyanjan in your HW note book and submit on 30-04-2019.

Complete it and submit on 30-04-2019.
ٹرم ٹو دہرائی 
صفحہ نمبر 81 اپنی کاپی میں نقل کیجیے