Tuesday 19 November 2019

Homework for Grade 5 as on 19-11-2019

Plan and Write a biography of someone you find interesting in your family on pg.no:31 in English Activity book. Submission date is on 20-11-2019.

निम्नलिखित धातुओं   से  क्रिया शब्द  बनाकर   उनका वाक्यों  में  प्रयोग  कीजिए-Page no -73 [ 3] in grammar text book

 Write in your HW note book .Submission date is on 21-11-2019.

Submission date is on 21-11-2019. 
اسما ء الحسنی کا چارٹ بنائیے مع معانی

Learn and write French words in the notebook from the textbook on page no. 36 'Les prepositions'. Submission date is on 21-11-2019.
Dictation will be conducted from the textbook on page no.36  in the class on sunday-24-11-2019.         

Dear Students complete the assigned Mathletic activity. Submission date is on 24-11-2019.

Subject:Science(Optional worksheet)
(These are only for those students who are interested for additional exercises.)

Solve the optional worksheet uploaded on the blog. Submission date is on 26-11-2019.