Tuesday 9 June 2015

Homework for 2B on 09-06-2015

Subject: English
Copy the following in your notebook and submit the same on 10th June 2015.

Complete each sentence using the correct punctuation. Each answer will include one of the following-  ! . ?

1. Kyle loves to help his dad cook dinner __
2. What do you think Kyle and his dad will cook tonight __
3. “Oh no __”, Jean yelled, “Why didn't you tell me I'm late __”
4. Would you like to play tennis with me __
5.  Please close the door __

Subject: Math
Complete pg no. 37 & 38 of the textbook. 

Special Note:
Dear Parent
Please note that the details on the first two pages (organizer & pupil's personal information) of the Student’s diary needs to be filled in and duly signed by both parent. 

Food for thought - 
"Father's day" is the 4th largest greeting card occasion of the year. 
Find out which is the 1st largest greeting card occasion of the year.  

Activity for 2B: Kindly send the following items for an activity tomorrow - Sketch pens, any decoration material (sequence, glitter, stars etc)