Sunday 14 June 2015

General Knowledge Quiz for 4B on 14-06-2015

                                         General Knowledge Quiz

Prepare an Encyclopedia by collecting pictures related to the answers and pasting them in a scrapbook:

1.    Which among the following is the main source of import of Liquefied Natural Gas for India?  - Nigeria , Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman

2.    The handheld computer called the Nexus 7 has been recently released by -

3.    What is Oman? (a)  Republic  (b) Sultanate (c) Dominion (d) Kingdom

4.    Mohamed Mursi is the new President of ___________.

5.    How many Emirates are there in U.A.E.?

6.    What is the longest running race in the Olympic Games called?

7.    Which is the largest emirate in U.A.E.?

8.    When did everyone over 21 get the voting rights in Oman?

9.    Oman is the part of which Peninsula?

10. Which is the largest country of Africa?

11. As per the Ethnologies what is the number of living languages in Sudan?

12. Which is the National bird of Pakistan?

13. A typical Egyptian breakfast usually comes with which of the following? - Fava Beans /Lamb /Quinoa / None of these

14. According to Egyptian people, which plant had the power to chase snakes away?

15. What is the capital of Syria?

16. Which is the largest animal in the world?

17. Which is the smallest bird?

18. Which is the tallest animal of the Earth?

19. Which is the biggest continent in the world?

20. Which is the largest Island in the world?

21. Which is the longest river in the world?

22. Which is the largest desert in the world?

23. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

24. Which is the tallest waterfall in the world?

25. Which is largest ocean in the world?

26. Who is the richest person in the world?

27. Which man holds the "Guinness World Record" for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands?

28. Who invented Laptop and when?

29. What is Cougar? How is it different from Jaguar?

30. Which is the most peaceful country in the world?