Monday 14 November 2016

Home work for 5B on 14/11/2016

Write the following content in your science note book and submit the same on Wednesday (16/11/16).

Food storage  
Food needs to be stored in order to avoid wastage
Food can be classified as:

·        Perishable
Perishable foods are those that spoil easily unless there is some means of preserving them.
They need to be kept in the fridge for preservation.
The temp of the fridge should be kept at 40 C or 5 0C
Perishable Food- milk, vegetables, egg, cheese etc.

·        semi perishable 
Semi perishable foods can be kept for a limited time.
They need not be stored in the fridge, but at a cool temperature.
                 Semi Perishable food- apples, bread, oranges, root-vegetables

·        Non-perishable food
The nonperishable foods are foods which can be stored for an indefinite time.
Canned food, dry foods like nuts, sugar, rice, flour

·        Frozen food
These should be stored in the freezer at about -180C
Never refreeze frozen food.
Frozen Food- meat, ice-cream

Food spoilage
Food spoilage means the original nutritional value, texture, flavour of the food are damaged and the food becomes harmful and unsuitable to eat.


Learn Fill in the blanks of Lesson-9 given on page no. 56 & 57 of the textbook for a review on 15.11.16, Tuesday.