Tuesday 10 October 2017

Homework for Grade 2 as on 10/10/2017

Subject: Math

Q1. Copy and solve the following questions your math HW notebook and submit the same on Wednesday 10/10/17.
Q1. Round the following numbers to the nearest tens.
1. 98
2. 86
3. 75
4. 53
5. 69

Q2. We are the pairs of the numbers, when we added together we make 10. Guess which numbers are we?

Subject: English

To be done in hw notebook.
 Write the pronouns for the underlined words                     
 1. Sarah made dinner for the whole family.
 2. Mr Cane went to the movies with Mrs .Cane
 3. The house needs a fresh coat of paint
 4. John carries a new bag .
 5. Every Thursday , Kenny goes to Wal Mart with his friends.