Monday 12 November 2018

Homework for Grade 4 as on 12/11/2018

Subject: Science
Write the answer to the following questions in your CW book and submit it tomorrow in class.
Q.1) Sodium chloride (common salt) is used to clear snow on roads in cold regions. It is also used in ice creams to keep it solid. Why?
Q.2) Write down at least two examples of the following processes:
a) freezing
b) condensation
c) evaporation
Q.3) What is Greenhouse effect?

Subject: Hindi
समय से सम्बंधित  वाक्यांशों  के लिए एक शब्द लिखिए – write twice in your HW book
  . हर दिन होने वाला -  दैनिक
.  सप्ताह में एक बार होनेवाला - साप्ताहिक
. महीने में एक बार होनेवाला - मासिक
. साल में एक बार होनेवाला - वार्षिक
. . साल में दो बार होने वाला - अर्धमासिक

Subject: French

Children are requested to submit the PPT on ‘Cheese’. Presentation of the Project will be graded. Children should use innovative ideas of presenting a copy on the given topic.

Subject: Urdu

اپنے پسنددیدہ کھلونے کے بارے میں کاپی میں مضمون لکھیے