Tuesday 25 February 2020

Homework for Grade 1 as on 25/02/2020

Write the following rhyming words three times in the english homework notebook and submit it on 26-2-2020, Wednesday.

दिए गए शब्दों का अभ्यास कीजिए ।श्रुतलेख के लिए
१। नल  [] जग [] कर [] मन [] दस [] डर [] हम
[] रस [] जल [१०] कल [११] घर [१२] बस [१३] सब
[१४] अब [१५] एक

Learn for dictation test on Thursday,27-02-2020.

Practice (in your notebook) and read words given on page no. 23 of your text book. Submission date is on 27-02-2020.

Complete the first exercise in the French Textbook page no. 67.Submission date is on 26-02-2020.
On Sunday, dated 01-3-2020, dictation will be conducted from the textbook page no.66  in the class.

Write the numbers 101 - 200 in math homework notebook and submit it on 26-2-2020, Wednesday.

Subject:Math(Optional worksheet)
These are only for those students who are interested for additional exercises.
Solve the optional worksheet given and submit on 3rd March 2020.