Tuesday 18 February 2020

Homework for Grade 6 as on 18-02-2020

Complete the reading worksheet no:6 which is on page no: 18 and submit on 19-02-2020.

Dear Students complete the Mathletic activity. Submission date is on 22-02-2020.

मंगल ग्रह की सैर & दिए गए विषय पर निबंध लिखिए l

Write and learn which is on page no.67 in textbook. Submission date is on 20-02-2020.

Complete the fourth exercise in the French Textbook page no. 71.Submission date is on 20-02-2020.

On Sunday, dated 23-2-2020, dictation will be conducted from the textbook page no.73  in the class.

دوست کے متعلق  احادیث، اقوال ، اشعار یا چند اقوال زریں جمع کر کے چارٹ بنائیے –
Submission date is on 19-02-2020.

Subject:Science(Optional worksheet)
(These are only for those students who are interested for additional exercises).
Solve the optional worksheet uploaded on the blog. Submission date is on 25-02-2020.