Tuesday 10 March 2020

Homework for Grade 1 as on 10/03/2020

Complete the English Writing enrichment worksheet - 9  (Picture Description) in pg no. 30 and submit it on 11/3/2020,  Wednesday.

Submission date is on 11-03-2020.
दिए गए शब्दों को अपनी ग्रह कार्य पुस्तक में लिखिए
- चमक , - पवन , - बहन - नरम  - वजन - सफ़र ,- गरम - पकड़ , - इधर 0- मटर ११ - उधर ,१२ - शहद १३ - सफल
१४ - नमक ,१५ - कमल  

Complete page no 34 of your text book.Submission date is on 11-03-2020.

Class-Test will be conducted on Sunday, dated 15-03-2020 .

Fill in the missing numbers in Math homework notebook and submit it on 11-3-2020, Wednesday.