Tuesday 31 March 2020

Homework for Grade 5 as on 31/03/2020

Complete the English practice worksheet.

विद्यालय से सम्बिधित समाचार१५८
Refer to Grammar textbook  page no- 158 and write the given homework in Hindi notebook .

کتاب : اردو خوشخطی                                        
 سلسلہ کا صفحہ نمبر 39                                       
اور 40 کتاب میں ہی حل                                        

 -  کیجیے   

Please refer to the file attached on French phrases with explanation and write one French sentence using each phrase as given in the attached file.

Common French phrases

1. Que veut dire ___ ? - What does ___ mean?
You can ask "Que veut dire <insert word here>" to ask about something you don't understand. You can also say "Que veut dire ça ?" (What does that mean?)

2.Où est … ? - Where is ...?
Trying to find your way around but not sure how to ask in French, just say "Où est (l’hôtel / la banque / l’aéroport  etc.)?"

3.Pouvez-vous m’aider? - Can you help me?

Remember this useful phrase for when you need help

4.Je voudrais... - I would like...

Whether you're in a restaurant and would like to order something from the menu or you're in a regular conversation, je voudrais is a useful phrase to remember so you could express what you want.  

Dear Students complete the  Mathletic activity.


Practice worksheet-4.