Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Homework for 15-04-2014

Homework for the day

Class: 1B
Subject: Math
Make a chart showing the number value of numbers (1-9) as done in class.

Subject: English
Read and write Page-13
Write sight words- kind, tall, helpful, funny.
Learn for dictation- family members
v Father
v Mother
v Brother
v Sister

 Subject: EVS
Learn the spellings and write in the EVS H.W book once.
Ø Torso
Ø Stomach
Ø Back
Ø Neck

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
Learn number names from 101-110

Subject: English
Text book- Exercise (1) and (2) on page no-12.

Subject: EVS
Complete the homework given in the EVS homework book. You can use the class work book for reference.
1. Draw the image of the tongue showing the different areas that       tell us specific tastes.
2. Write the functions of the sense organs.

Class: 3B
Subject: English
Complete Exercise (1)
Complete the sentences in text book page no- 12

Subject: Math
From the worksheet file, solve the first worksheet.
(Observe the given picture of “Cartoon world” and answer the given questions.)

Subject: Hindi
Write 3 sentences on “Maa” in your hindi note book.

Subject: EVS
1. Observe the following materials/things
2. State 2 reasons each as to why it is categorized as living or non-living
ü Pen
ü 1……………………………………………….
ü 2………………………………………………
ü Plant
ü 1………………………………………………
ü 2………………………………………………
ü Baby
ü 1……………………………………………..
ü 2………………………………………………
ü Air
ü 1……………………………………………..
ü 2……………………………………………...

1B الصف:
المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: املاء الكلمات التالية: أبي _ أمي _اخوتي _ ايمان _ كؤوس _ بدأا .


3B الصف:
المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب:  1. املاء الكلمات التالية : يتصافحون _ يتعانقون_ يتهامسون _ يضحكون .
           2. أقرأ الفقرة التالية من النص من " ذات يوم ... الناس " .