Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Homework for 29-04-2014

Homework for the day

Class: 1B
Subject: English
Write Page 22:
Complete the fill in the blanks

Subject: Math
Write the numbers in descending order in your “R” book
a) 42, 13, 92, 44
b) 16, 22, 19, 39

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
From the worksheet file, solve Page no-19.
(Rearrange the digits in correct order to match the number names)

Subject: Science
Make a chart with pictures on internal organ and name each picture.
To be submitted on Sunday.

Subject: Hindi
Book-1 Hindi Praveshika
Page no-5

Class: 3B
Subject: English
Complete worksheet-7

Subject: Math
From the worksheet file solve Page no-29
(Skip Counting)

Subject: Hindi
Study and write the names of animals and their sounds from the given worksheet. Test on Thursday 1-05-2014.

Subject: Social Science
Taking care of our sense organs.
Review on Sunday.

المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: أقوم بحل الأنشطة الموجودة بالصفحة 72 و 73


المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: 1. أكون جملا تعجبيّة تبدأ ب :
_ ما أَكْرَمَ ..............!
_ ما أَطْيَبَ ..............!
_ ما أَنْظَفَ ..............!
2. أكمل النشاط صفحة 884 في البيت .