Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Homework for 23-04-2014

            Homework for the day

Class: 1B
Subject: Science
Write and learn the following words in the EVS Homework book.
·       Thigh
·       Knee
·       Shin
·       Calf
·       Ankle
·       Toes
·       Heel
·       Foot

Subject: Hindi
Write and draw pictures of 4 letters done so far in Hindi note books.

Class: 2B
Subject: English
Correct and rewrite the words in order:
1.    parties loves Billy
2.    has got Billy scissors
3.    mess Billy making is a
4.    ready mum’s cake is

Subject: Math
Study number names from 110 to 130.

Subject: Science
Write and learn the following sentences in EVS H.W book once.
Review on Sunday
à We have 5 sense organs they are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin
à Write the functions of the sense organs

Class: 3B
Subject: Science
Observe and name three objects at home that is
                   (1) solid
                   (2) liquid
                   (3) gas
Give reasons for their classifications.

Subject: Math
Complete the grid provided in the note book. 
Write numbers from 1001-1100.

Subject: Hindi
Learn and write words given in C.W

المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: حل الانشطة الموجودة بالصفحة 55 من الكتاب المدرسي .


المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: أكوّن ثلاث جمل تحتوي على التركيب التالي وأكتبها على الدفتر :
بينما كان ......... اذْ ........
بينما كانت ........ اذْ ........