Thursday, 24 April 2014

Homework for 24-04-2014

Homework for the day

Class: 1B
Subject: Science
Revise the words for dictation on Sunday 27th
Foot, thigh, knee, shin, calf, ankle, toes, heel, nails, wrist, hand, fingers, upper arm, fore arm, elbow.
Solve the worksheet sent.

Subject: Hindi
Learn the name of Colours in Hindi

Subject: English
Read Page 16, 17
Write Rhyming words.
Cat - hat
Fox - box
Pen - hen
Pig   - fig
Coat - boat
Log - fog
Cake - bake
Book - cook
Revise these words for dictation on Sunday 27th.

Subject: Math
Fill in the missing numbers.
Complete this in “R” book.
            10 ____    _____ 13
            45 ____ 47 _____

            80 ____  _____  83

Class: 2B
Subject: Science
With the help of an Orange answer the questions given in the worksheet.
The date has been mentioned on the worksheet that has to be completed.

Subject: Math
From the worksheet file, Solve Page no-16 (Three digit numbers)

Subject: Hindi
Homework given in note book.

Class: 3B
Subject: Social Science
Study the given matter on living and non living things and sense organs.
Review on Sunday.

Subject: Hindi
Study Lesson-1.
Test on 27-04-14

Subject: English
Exercise –Text Book
Page no-16 (2) and (3) of Spelling

Subject: Math
From the worksheet file, solve page no -8 (fill up the given cross word using the clues below)

المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: صفحة 58 من الكتاب المدرسي .

المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: املاء صفحة 51


المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: 1. أكوّن جملا على هذا المثال:
_ ما أجمل الصّداقةَ !
_ ما أحْلَى مَزْرَعَةَ جدّي !
2.أقوم بالنشاط 3 و 4 صفحة 109 والنشاط 5 صفحة 110