Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Homework for 22-04-2014

Homework for the day

Class: 1B
Subject: English
Read Pages 12 and 13
What is a noun?  Write once and learn.
A noun is the name of a person, place, animal or thing.
Eg- man, woman, home, school, table, car, dog.

Subject: Math
Write the following numbers in ascending order in your R book.
·       24, 13, 61, 4
·       6, 7, 1, 14
·       19, 21, 81, 32

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
From the worksheet file, solve page no-15

Subject: Science
Complete the science worksheet given. The date has been mentioned on the worksheet that has to be completed.

Subject: Hindi
Complete page no-17 of Book-2 Shabd Gyan

Class: 3B
Subject: English
Complete text book exercise:
Grammar- (3) Fill in the gaps on page no 14

Subject: Social Science
Make a chart on the 5 sense organs and write the uses of each organ. To be submitted on Thursday. Use half or quarter chart paper.

المادة:  اللغة العربية
الواجب: أكتب الكلمات التالية ثلاث مرات على الدفتر ثم أقرأها : تَمْرٌ _ تُفَّاحٌ _ تيِنٌ .

المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: املاء صفحه 50 من ( بعد ربع ساعة الى / تقترب منا بحذر) .


المادة: اللغة العربية
الواجب: أقوم بالأنشطة الموجودة في الكتاب صفحة 108