Monday, 19 May 2014

Homework for 19-5-2014

Class: 1B
Subject: E.V.S

·       On a quarter size chart paper stick any 2 pictures or draw any 2 pictures, to show how to keep your body clean and things we use to keep our body clean. To be submitted on Wednesday 21st May’14
·       Kindly send the following with your child on or before Wednesday 21st May’14:
-         1 family photograph
-    1 passport size photograph each of father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.

Subject: Hindi
Write letter in the notebook
Revise the names of household things in Hindi

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
Revision- Three digit numbers [Revise the worksheet page no: 16, 17, 18]
From the worksheet file, solve worksheet- page no: 53[complete the number grid]

Subject: English
Textbook –page no 24. (Phonics)
Exercise No -2, 3, 4.

Subject: Hindi
Textbook Lakhay -Complete exercise 1 and 2 on page no 18

Class: 3B
Subject: Science
Study the content on the following topics.
1.    Similarities between plants and animals
2.    Differences in plants and animals

     Subject: Math
Revision- Tangrams, tessellations [Revise the worksheet- page no: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

Subject: English
Complete worksheet - page no-9 and 10

Subject: Arabic
1B   الصف الأول :
الأنشطة بالصفحتين 171 و172  من الكتاب

 الصف الثاني : 
قراءة درس : (نلعب الغميضة ) قراءة جيدة ثم كتابة على الدفتر الأسطر : 3و4و5و6   بخط جميل ولا أنسى التشكيل .

3B  الصف الثالث :
الأنشطة بالصفحتين 134 و135 من الكتاب