Thursday, 22 May 2014

Homework for 22-5-2014

Class: Grade 1, 2, 3
Subject: General Knowledge
See if you figure out what all these seven words have in common.
v Banana
v Dresser
v Grammar
v Potato
v Revive
v Uneven
v Assess
Answer will be published on Sunday, 25th May 2014.

Subject: English
Assessment 25-5-2014 (Grade-1, 2, 3)

Class: 1B
Subject: EVS
Study the content on “parts of the body “and “sense organs” given in the EVS C.W note book.

Subject: Hindi
Solve the given worksheet
Revise the names of the parts of body, different colours and household things in Hindi.

Class: 2B
Subject: Math
Revision-Comparing and sequencing [Revise the worksheets - page no: 45, 46, 49, 50]
From the worksheet file solve worksheet - page no: 54 [Arrange the numbers into ascending and descending order, put <,   >, = sign]

Class: 3B
Subject: Science
Study the content given on the following topics:
1.    Classification of matter
2.    Matter
3.    Volume

Subject: Math
Revision-Place value, comparing numbers [Revise the worksheets - page no: 37, 38, 39, 40]