Thursday, 29 May 2014

Homework for 29-5-2014

Class 1B
Subject: Hindi
Write letters , in the notebook.
Revise the parts of the body and names of animals in Hindi.

Subject: English
Complete page no: 39 in the textbook

Subject: EVS
      Learn the spellings of the following words and write it once in the E.V.S. homework notebook.
-         father
-         mother
-         brother
-         sister
-         grandfather
-         grandmother
-         uncle
-         aunt
-         joint family
-         nuclear family
Dictation on the above words will be conducted on
Sunday, 1st June 2014

Class 2B
Subject: EVS
Stick a family photograph on the given construction paper and write at least 5 sentences on the topic ‘My Family’ below the photo and submit it on Sunday, 1st June 2014

Subject: Math
Complete the grid provided in the notebook.

Class 3B
Subject: Math
Complete the grid provided in the notebook.

Subject: EVS
Study the following content for the EVS Assessment to be held on Sunday,1st June 2014: 
Identification of living & non –living things stating reasons,
matter, volume, identification of solid, liquid & gas, differences in the properties of solid, liquid, gas