Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Homework for 20-5-2014

Class: 1B
Subject: English
Complete Page No – 33 and revise the rhyming words.

Subject: Math
Write the following numbers in ascending and descending order (in your R book)
a.     98,  65,  99,  13
b.    56,  34,  77,  86
c.      15, 88,  47,  62

Class: 2B
Subject: EVS
Make a family tree on half a chart paper using photographs of your family members. To be submitted on Sunday 25-5-14.

Subject: Math
Revision- Number names [Revise the worksheets- page no: 15, 19, 20]
From the worksheet file, solve worksheet- page no: 28[Draw lines to match the numeral, number names and their place value]

Class: 3B
Subject: Hindi
Watch “Mera Ghar” video

Subject: Social Science
Find out who was the person to invent Braille and write neatly ten sentences about him and his work. Stick a picture of the person if possible. To be done on a quarter size chart paper and submit on Sunday 25/5/14

Subject: Math
Revision- Point, line, line segment, ray [Revise the worksheets - page no: 17, 18, 19. Revise the content given in the notebook]

Subject: English
Complete worksheets - page no-21, 22, 23

1Bالصف الأول :
أكتب الحروف التالية على الدفتر  (أ   _  ب     _ ت  ) مع الفتحة والضمة والكسرة ثم مع المدود مد الف مد واو مد ياء
2B الصف الثاني :
أكتب الصفحة الثانية من الدرس

3B الصف الثالث :
أكون  جملا تبدأ بـ : كيف / لماذا / متى / أين